Donate today.
How it works
Thanks for helping us make a village! You can donate online using this page. Just fill out the information requested, including a credit or debit card account, and your donation will automatically go to our account. We will send you a confirmation email when we receive your gift. A written receipt acknowledging your donation, including confirmation that we are a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization recognized by the IRS, will follow by mail.
If you would like to donate by check or ACH transfer, please let us know using the contact us form and we will be in touch to help.
Where your donation will go
Our strategic plans are summarized on the Our Plan page, which lists the projects we are currently supporting, in priority order, including the ones we’ve completed. Your gift helps us reach the financial goal for our current project. When each priority project is completed, we begin allocating donations to the next one.
We recognize our responsibility to use your donations effectively and efficiently. We review written proposals and monitor the projects we support via regular reports and video conferences. Larger programs include on-site visits to ensure compliance with our grant terms and government regulations. We also manage ourselves so that at least 85% of your donations go directly to the projects we support.
The To Make a Village Foundation produces annual financial statements at the end of each calendar year. These reports are available on request via our contact us form.
Thank you again for your support!