Phase four: Making the bridge ready for traffic
The ramps on either side of the bridge must be strong enough to stand up to traffic - as strong as the bridge’s concrete core. They’re already built on a foundation of solid rocks.
With the assistance of an earth pounding machine, workers compress the top layer of earth and sand on the ramps to accomplish their goal. When they finish and the ramps dry, the bridge will be nearly ready.
Only final clean-up of the river so it flows freely, and removal of the remaining wooden frame around the now-dry concrete structure will remain.
Soon, vehicles of all kinds will be able to drive directly to and from Afiri!
On its first pass, the earth pounding machine puts quite a dent in the ramps’ loose earth.
After the first pounding is complete, workers spread sand on top of the ramps.
A second pounding shows the increasing strength of the compressed earth and sand.
The sides of the ramps are the hardest parts.
The wooden frame of the bridge is removed. Boards are repurposed as temporary ramps for wheelbarrows heavy with sand.
After the wooden frames are removed, workers compress the earth at the edges of the bridge’s concrete core.