Emergency Truck Replacement

Since 2021, the village and Team KKO, our cacao farm economic partner, have shared a single pickup truck. Plans for 2023 include purchase of a second truck to transport people and goods to and from the rest of Cameroon.

In early 2023, the wear and tear on Afiri’s lone truck became too much to repair; the only solution was an emergency purchase of a used vehicle. The AECD Foundation contributed $6,000 US as our share of the $15,000 US purchase price. Village leaders bought a fine new vehicle – one that includes a capped cargo bed for added security and all-weather travel.

Our plans still include purchase of a second vehicle later in 2023.

Farewell, trusty pickup…

Perfect replacement, with cap!

March, 2023

  • Old truck is beyond repair

  • Used replacement, Douala

The rest of the story

  • Village and Team KKO share it

  • $6,000 from AECD Foundation

  • $9,000 from Team KKO

  • Goal for 2023: Second truck, AECD purchase for village


Afiri Women’s Program


Fresh Water on Tap!