Afiri Women’s Program

The 2023 Afiri Women’s Program is the village’s first new business program, with a goal of expanding Afiri’s economy to include revenue from retail sales of food and clothing, and related jobs for village residents. Health care for the village is an additional growth opportunity for Afiri’s Women’s Program. Our 2023 budget for all programs is $25,000 US.

A sewing business with three foot-powered machines will begin operations this summer and will be based in Afiri’s first Neighborhood Center later in 2023. A vegetable farm on 1.25 acres of land donated by Team KKO – will feed residents this year, with a goal of doubling in size and beginning retail sales in nearby Awae in 2024. Basic health care services – reproductive health and family planning – will begin with program design and research this year.

Sewing Service:

  • $3,000 est. cost (3 machines and supplies)

  • First year: Train women, make clothes for village

  • Future: Retail sales in Awae (nearby town)

Vegetable Farm:

  • $17,000 est. cost (seeds, irrigation, pest control, tools)

  • First year: 1.25 acres, vegetables to feed the village

  • Future 2.50 acres, retail sales in Awae

Reproductive Health, Family Planning:

  • $5,000 Program development

Total Program Budget, 2023: $25,000


A visit to the first neighborhood center building in Afiri


Emergency Truck Replacement